Beeteyihí (Storytime)
Big Snake
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- Hiik’í (Big Snake) by Bill Joe
- Hoyyám k’awí Nisenáaním Hiik’í en, tukwoonohahát’om…
- In the early days when an Indian saw the Big Snake, he would always have a fit
- … banak’ám wik’elí bɨ́ɨte c’enón ɨdáwt’om…
- and would not wake up till daybreak when he would arrive,
- … sedeydɨkɨ́m koolnáan simnáan sedéyt’om.
- bloody from the nose and with a bleeding mouth.
- Han mɨymením okomením k’awí koymóom dóot’om mɨhé.
- A rattlesnake would bite him the following summer.
- Hac’e wenení motín, hɨm manayí siyéet’om hɨpɨwnáan lamkɨskɨsná, hukítt’om.
- They made him drink medicine, made a small house a little ways from the camp, and put him there.
- Hac’e bə́əppayím kɨyɨsɨ́m…
- All sorts of animals,
- … koymóom, pic’ak’ám, okopeypeyím, c’ayahapím, weenanám, palím…
- rattlesnake, lizard, horned lizard, whipsnake, garter snake, racer snake,
- … ɨdadáwt’om mɨhé ismadí.
- each came to where he was staying.
- Hac’e payeltít’om wítteem payelní…
- The Indians fed him with one kind of food,
- … c’aykɨ́ payeltiménte, wítteem payelní payeltít’om.
- they did not let him eat anything else but fed him with one kind of food.
- Han wené motihahát’om.
- They made him drink medicine regularly.
- Han mɨyém wenení yuc’úut’om mɨɨm koymoohé doomám k’ɨɨné.
- They washed the scar of the rattlesnake bite with that medicine.
- Han wadaac’é, bɨ́ɨte ɨsiptít’om mɨhé.
- They did not let him out until he had recovered.
- Han huslát’om.
- Then they had a Small Time.
- Han payeltít’om mɨhé bə́əppayím payelihí.
- They gave him all kinds of food.
- Han husipín, helop’tít’om mɨhé bəhəpím wenení otatín.
- They took him out and made him sweat with all kinds of medicine.
- Han bɨ́ɨte huslán, payeltít’om bə́əppayím payelihí.
- Then only they held a Small Time, and gave him all kinds of food.
- Mɨyáatít’om koymóom dooc’é.
- That is the way they did when the rattlesnake bit.
- Han koymóom dooc’é min,
- If a rattlesnake bites you,
- … min tooyeemám – kopeetá, pandaká – c’aymɨsé méyt’om…
- you must always give away to others what you were carrying – gun, bow, etc.,
- … min omitmám koosá bə́əppáy méyt’om c’aymɨsé, moodá’omisín.
- and the clothes you had on you must give away to others, to ward off evil from yourself.
- Han mɨyáatimenín min osek’áa me’usán, yootaytatayéet’om.
- If you don’t do that but try to keep your valuables, you will have bad luck all the time.
- Mɨyéet’om mɨyém…
- That was that…
- … hoyyám k’awí muk’utín bɨ́ɨk’t’om mɨɨm Hiik’í…
- in the early days they were very much afraid of that Big Snake,
- … lok’k’éepaymént’om aná Hiik’ím.
- there were not very many of the Big Snakes.
- Hac’e weté máydɨke yootaytihí daak’án, han wəhəphahát’om.
- But when the Big Snake wanted to give a man bad luck, it always appeared.
- Hac’e máydɨkɨm en, yootáyt’om hank’eenopáy…
- When a man saw that, he was unlucky all the time,
- … mɨyaaná Nisenáaním bɨ́ɨk’t’om mɨyakɨ́.
- that is why the Indians feared that kind.
- Mɨɨm mɨɨm nisé hoyyá bɨɨk’mám k’aam…
- That is what we used to fear in the old days…
- … beydím Wolémɨsém ɨdawic’é, wek’awím mɨyém.
- now after the White people have come, there are no more of those.
- Mɨɨm mɨyém, hoyyá emám k’aam.
- That is that, that is what they used to see in the early days.