Education Center Staff Nisenan Class

The SSBMI Language Department and Education Center meet regularly to host a Nisenan language class for Education Center staff members. Here, you can find information about past classes including audio recordings and copies of the review materials.

Please follow the links below to access information from individual classes, which are organized by date:

Menekɨ́m siyéebe hedém website-í? (Who makes this website?)

This webpage is managed by SSBMI Language Department staff in order to share Nisenan language learning resources with Education Center staff. Our current team consists of: Jonathan Geary, Richenda Ervin, and Skye Anderson, and the audio recordings that you will find here are of the three of us. We are all learners of the Nisenan language, and we hope that you will join us in learning Nisenan too!

Kɨɨpetím nisek’é mi! Sitapay’omís! (We thank you! Take care of yourself!)