Beeteyihí (Storytime)
Hoyyahám Totoyká
The First Chickens
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- Hoyyahám Totoyká (The First Chickens) by Bill Joe
- Hoyyám k’awí, Huumitím pɨwím Nisenáaním totoyká peypét’om Huumitdí.
- In the early days, the Popcorn Hill camp Indians kept chickens at Popcorn Hill.
- Hac’e Nisenáaním máanom etak’ok’óyt’om.
- All the Indians went there to look.
- Hac’e mɨskoohóm máydɨkɨm peením etak’óyt’omám.
- There must have gone two mischievous men to look.
- Han Yuuledí Lumaydí ɨdáwt’omám mɨɨm máydɨkɨm peením Lumaydí.
- Those two men must have come to a Big Time at Plymouth.
- Han weeydadáat’om mɨɨm totoyká henɨmihí…
- They kept telling about the talking of those chickens,
- “Awántiitim ni, uuc’úlpuupum ni, ok’óm ni, too,” hát’omatoy.
- they were said to have said, “Awántiitim ni, uuc’úlpuupum ni, I am hungry, toh.”
- “Mɨyáam totoykám henɨmín, hontamittím…”
- “That is the way the chickens are when they talk, they are surprising,
- “… etak’óybeem Huumitná wɨ́kpay Lumayic’é,” hát’om.
- you must go to Popcorn Hill to look sometime when there is a Big Time,” the men said.
- Hac’e Huumitdí Lumayic’é, bə́əppayím Nisenáaním etak’óyt’om.
- All the Indians went to look when there was a Big Time at Popcorn Hill.
- Han etát’om peením oo, máydɨkɨn kɨlén ha.
- They saw only two, a male and a female.
- Han hontamítt’om Nisenáaním máanom etán.
- All the Indians wondered as they looked.
- Hac’e mɨɨm máydɨkɨm, “ok’óm ni, too,” hát’om.
- Then the male said, “I am hungry, toh.”
- “Wenné k’aam, mɨkɨkɨ́m, ‘ok’óm ni, too,’ há’asi mɨɨm,” hát’om mɨɨm Nisenáaním.
- “He is doing pretty good, he is right, he said, ‘I am hungry, toh,’” said those Indians.
- Homodí méet’oc’ey mɨɨm totoyká.
- I guess they caught those chickens somewhere.
- Mɨyée amám k’awí Keliinedí Lánsismɨsém máydɨkɨm Nisenáaním kɨlé méyt’omám.
- The year after that a Frenchman apparently gave a chicken to an Indian woman.
- Hac’e Yuulená took’óyt’omám.
- It seems she took it to Plymouth.
- Hac’e mɨyná Nisenáaním máanom etak’ok’óyt’om kan.
- All the Indians went there to look again.
- Han mɨyenáan amá lok’tín ét’om, beyí Woolesém ɨdawín toodawic’é lok’tín.
- After that they saw many, now that the White men came and brought many.
- Mɨɨm mɨyém, hontamítt’om ni laayín.
- That is that, I was surprised when I was little.