Flashcards: Kind Words in Nisenan

The SSBMI Language Department created this set of flashcards to support you and your loved ones as you learn words for relatives and phrases of kindness in Nisenan. Here, you can listen to the language on the Kind Words in Nisenan cards and learn more.
The SSBMI Community has ancestral ties to the Valley and Southern Hill dialects of the Nisenan language through the Tribe's Matriarchs, Pamela Cleanso Adams and Annie Hill Murray Paris. Pamela and her relations spoke Valley Nisenan and shared some of their knowledge of the Nisenan language through historical documents. We have less direct information about Annie's language; however, based on where she was from and the documented language of her relations and associates, it is likely that Annie spoke Southern Hill Nisenan.
The Nisenan language that we share is from speakers of the Valley dialect like SSBMI Matriarch Pamela Cleanso Adams and her brother Tom Cleanso as well as speakers of the Southern Hill dialect like William Joseph, Ida Hill Starkey, and Charlie Hunchup. The language on these cards is almost entirely shared by speakers of both Valley & Southern Hill Nisenan. Below, we point out one notable case where the two dialects differ.
Please contact us at language@ssband.org to check on the availability of these flashcards and to ask us any questions. You can also download a printer-friendly version that you can print at home. We also have Kind Words in Northern Sierra Miwok flashcards.